The Amazing Spider-Man (1963)

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001GA giveaway, Golden Record

001GB giveaway, Dallas Comic Con Exclusive

003G giveaway, Columbia Tri-Star

004G giveaway, Spider-Man 2.1 DVD, Target Exclusive

006G giveaway, Amazing Spider-Man Bonus DVD, Wal-Mart

009G giveaway, C2E2 Stan Lee reprint

014G giveaway, C2E2 Stan Lee reprint

041GA giveaway, Toy Biz, Spider-Man Classics 2

041GB giveaway, Hasbro, Greatest Battles

050G giveaway, Spider-Man 2 DVD, Limited Edition

121G giveaway, Toy Biz, Marvel Masterworks

122G giveaway, Toy Biz, Marvel Legends 13

129GA giveaway, Toy Biz, Marvel Series 6

129GB giveaway, Lions Gate Films

129GC giveaway, Hasbro, Spider-Man Origins

150G giveaway, Marvel Milestone Edition, Web Of SPM (1985) #119

184GA giveaway, All Detergent (without sticker)

184GB giveaway, All Detergent (with sticker)

252GA giveaway, Toy Biz, Spider-Man Classics 1

252GB giveaway, Niagara Falls, Canada

252GC giveaway, Spider-Man DVD, Wal-Mart Exclusive

252GD giveaway, Spider-Man 3 DVD, Wal-Mart Exclusive

300GA giveaway, Niagara Falls, Canada

300GB giveaway, Spider-Man 2 DVD, Wal-Mart Exclusive

301G giveaway, Toy Biz, Spider-Man Classics 1

303G giveaway, Shan-Lon Enterprises

319G giveaway, Shan-Lon Enterprises

395G giveaway, Spider-Man Season 1-5 DVD, HMV Exclusive

400G giveaway, Retailer Incentive

437G giveaway, Toy Biz, Spider-Man Classics 1

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