Below you'll find the items I'm still looking for. Please, contact if you see anything you can help me with.

Symbiote Spider-Man: King In Black

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1A variant cover, Geoff Shaw
like to have

1B variant cover, Khary Randolph
like to have

1C variant cover, Superlog
like to have

1D variant cover, Alex Saviuk
like to have

1E variant black cover
like to have

1F variant cover, Scorpion Comics, Gabriele Dell’Otto
like to have

1G variant virgin cover, Scorpion Comics, Gabriele Dell’Otto
like to have

1H variant cover, Unkown Comics, Gerald Parel
like to have

1I variant virgin cover, Unkown Comics, Gerald Parel
like to have

1J 2nd printing, variant cover, Greg Land
like to have

2A variant cover, Declan Shalvey
like to have

3A variant cover, Taurin Clarke
like to have

4A variant cover, David Nakayama
like to have

5A variant cover, Dave Rapoza
like to have

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