Ultimate Spider-Man HardCover (2000, Omnibus)

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1 Limited Edition (2004, Barnes & Noble)

1A (2012), Joe Quesada cover

1B (2012), Mark Bagley cover (USM #2)

1C (2022), Joe Quesada cover (USM #1)

1D (2022), Joe Quesada cover (pin-up)

1E (2022), Mark Bagley cover (USM #36)

2 (2023), book market edition, Mark Bagley cover (USM #50)

2A (2023), direct market edition, Mark Bagley cover (Carnage)

2B (2023), direct market edition, John Cassaday cover

3 (2023), book market edition, Mark Bagley cover (USM #100)

3A (2023), direct market edition, Mark Bagley cover (USM #101)

3B (2023), direct market edition, Mark Bagley cover (USM #83)

4 (2024), book market edition, Stuart Immkonen cover (USM #125)

4A (2024), direct market edition, Stuart Immkonen cover (USM #120)

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