Marvel Must Haves (2007)

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Civil War: Casualties Of War, collecting Casualties/Crimes/Winter Kills, Spider-Man cameo

Civil War: Thunderbolts, Swimming With Sharks, collecting Thunderbolts #103-105, Spider-Man cameo

1985, collecting 1985 #1-3, Cheung cover, Spider-Man appearance

1985, collecting 1985 #1-3, Edwards cover, Spider-Man appearance

March On Ultimatum: The Ultimates 3, collecting Ultimates 3 #1-3, Spider-Man appearance

Ms. Marvel, War Of The Marvels Starts Here!, collecting Ms. Marvel #39-41, Spider-Man appearance

Avengers: The Children's Crusade, Searh For The Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man appearance

The Avengers, Infinity Quest, collecting Avengers #7-9, Spider-Man appearance

The New Avengers, Nannies And Nazis, collecting New Avengers #7-9, Spider-Man appearance

Fantastic Four, The Last Stand, collecting Fantastic Four #574,587-588, Spider-Man appearanc

X-Men, With Great Power, collecting X-Men #7-9, Spider-Man appearance

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