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Cover Archive
Below you'll find the items I'm still looking for. Please, contact me if you see anything you can help me with.

Sinister War

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1A variant cover, Mark Bagley (wraparound)
like to have

1B variant cover, Steve Ditko
like to have

1C variant cover, Mark Bagley (connecting)
like to have

1D variant cover, Todd Nauck
like to have

1E variant cover, Gary Frank
like to have

1EV variant virgin cover, Gary Frank
like to have

1F variant cover, Jeffrey Veregge
like to have

1G variant cover, Kael Ngu
like to have

1H variant cover, Marcelo Ferreira
like to have

1I variant cover, David Nakayama
like to have

1J variant cover, David Baldeon
like to have

1K variant cover, Federico Vicentini
like to have

1SA variant cover, Scorpion Comics, Peach Momoko
like to have

1SAV variant virgin cover, Scorpion Comics, Peach Momoko
like to have

1SB variant cover, Big Time Collectibles, Alan Quah
like to have

1SBV variant virgin cover, Big Time Collectibles, Alan Quah
like to have

1SC variant cover, TFAW, Todd Nauck
like to have

2A variant cover, Mark Bagley (connecting)
like to have

2B variant cover, Carlos E. Gomez
like to have

2C variant cover, Marcelo Ferreira
like to have

2D variant cover, David Baldeon
like to have

2E variant cover, Jeffrey Veregge
like to have

3A variant cover, Mark Bagley (connecting)
like to have

3B variant cover, David Baldeon
like to have

3C variant cover, Jeffrey Veregge
like to have

3D variant cover, Carlos E. Gomez
like to have

4A variant cover, Mark Bagley (connecting)
like to have

4B variant cover, David Baldeon
like to have

4C variant cover, Jeffrey Veregge
like to have

4D variant cover, Carlos E. Gomez
like to have

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