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Want List
Cover Archive
Below you'll find the items I'm still looking for. These items do NOT have priority, but please, contact me if you see anything you can help me with.

Spider-Man: Life Story

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1A variant cover, Marcos Martin
like to have

1C variant cover, Skottie Young
like to have

1D variant cover, Sonny's Comics, Tyler Kirkham
like to have

1E variant virgin cover, Sonny's Comics, Tyler Kirkham
like to have

1G 2nd printing, variant cover, Chip Zdarsky
like to have

2C 3rd printing, variant cover, Chip Zdarsky
like to have

3A variant cover, Aco
like to have

3B 2nd printing, variant cover, Chip Zdarsky
like to have

4A variant cover, Kaare Andrews
like to have

5A variant cover, Andrea Sorrentino
like to have

5B 2nd printing, variant cover, Chip Zdarsky
like to have

6A variant cover, Paul Pope
like to have

6B 2nd printing, variant cover, Chip Zdarsky
like to have

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