What If...? (1977)

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8 The World Knew That Daredevil Is Blind, Spider-Man appearance

13 Conan Walked The Earth Today, Peter Parker cameo

13A Conan Walked The Earth Today, True Believers, Peter Parker cameo

15 Nova Had Been Four Other People, Spider-Man cameo & Peter Parker appearance

17 Ghost Rider, Spider-Woman & Captain Marvel Were Villains, Spider-Man reference (newspaper headline)

20 The Avengers Fought Kree-Skrull Without Rick Jones, Spider-Man cameo

21 Invisble Girl Of The Fantastic Four Married The Sub-Mariner, Spider-Man appearance

26 Captain America Had Been Elected President, Spider-Man cameo

29 The Avengers Defeated Everybody, Spider-Man appearance

31 Wolverine Had Killed The Hulk, Spider-Man cameo

32 The Avengers Had Become Pawns Of Korvac, Spider-Man cameo

42 The Invisible Girl Had Died, Spider-Man cameo

44 Captain America Were Revived Today, Spider-Man appearance

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