What If...? (1989)

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1 The Avengers Had Lost The Evolutionary War, Spider-Man appearance

2 Daredevil Had Killed The Kingpin, Spider-Man appearance

3 Steve Rogers Had Refused To Give Up Being Capt, Peter Parker appearance (as Galactus)

5 The Vision Had Destroyed The Avengers, Spider-Man cameo

6 X-Men Lost Inferno, Spider-Man appearance

7 Wolverine Was An Agent Of Shield, Peter Parker appearance

10 The Punisher's Family Hadn't Been Killed, Spider-Man cameo

11 Fantastic Four All Had The Same Power, Spider-Man cameo

13 Professor X Had Become The Juggernaut, Spider-Man cameo

15 Fantastic Four Had Lost The Trial Of Galactus, Spider-Man cameo

19 Vision Conquered The World, Spider-Man cameo

24 Wolverine Was Lord Of The Vampires, Spider-Man cameo

25 Marvel Heroes Had Lost Atlantis Attacks, Spider-Man appearance

26 The Punisher Had Killed Daredevil, Spider-Man appearance

28 Captain America Led Super Soldiers In WW II, Spider-Man cameo

36 Cosmic Avengers Battled The Guardians Of The G, Spider-Man cameo

37 Wolverine Was Lord Of Vampires During Inferno, Spider-Man cameo

44 Venom Had Possessed The Punisher, Spider-Man appearance

45 Barbara Ketch Had Become Ghost Rider, Spider-Man appearance

47 Magneto Took Over The Usa, Spider-Man cameo

49 Silver Surfer Possessed The Infinity Gauntlet, Spider-Man cameo

49A Silver Surfer Possessed The Infinity Gauntlet, True Believers, Spider-Man cameo

52 Doom Became Sorcerer Supreme, Spider-Man cameo

55 Avengers Lost Operation Galactic Storm, Part 1, Spider-Man cameo

64 Iron Man Sold Out, Spider-Man appearance

67 Captain America Were Revived Today, Part 1, Spider-Man cameo

68 Captain America Were Revived Today, Part 2, Spider-Man appearance

75 Blink Of Geneartino X Had Not Died, Spider-Man cameo

80 The Hulk Had Evolved Into The Maestro, Spider-Man appearance (cover only, arm)

81 The Age Of Apocalyps Had Not Ended, Spider-Man reference (logo)

92 Cannonball's Little Brother Josh, Spider-Man reference (t-shirt)

-1 Flashback Issue, Bishop, Spider-Man cameo

100 Gambit, Spider-Man cameo (pin-up)

104 Silver Surfer, Spider-Man cameo (spoof)

108 The Avengers Battled The Carnage Cosmic, Spider-Man appearance

111 Wolverine, Spider-Man cameo

112 Ka-Zar, Spider-Man cameo

114 Secret Wars, Spider-Man appearance

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